Trener je od 1995 godine. 1998 je diplomirao na FFK Novi Sad sa diplomom viseg trenera tenisa. Od 2007 godine vlasnik TK HARON i prestižnog turnira za decu do 9 godina čiji pobednici predstavljaju Srbiju na Smrikwa Bowl turniru u Puli - turnir TENISKE NADE, koji od 2015. postaje deo svetske porodice turnira CHAMPIONS BOWL.
2006, 07, 09, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 i 2017 godine organizovao je i vodio najbolje juniore Srbije na Orange Bowl, Eddie Herr i Prince Cup, Nike i Little Mo turnire na Floridi. Do 2009 godine je bio član trenerskog odbora TSS a sada predsednik stručnog odbora TSB.
Najvećim blagom smatra iskustvo sakupljano sa putovanja po najvažnijim svetskim turnirima (od Pule, preko Umaga, Praga, Barselone, Tarbsa i juniorskog Roland Garrosa pa do Orange Bowla i Eddie Herra) i učeći od nekih najvećih imena svetskog tenisa kao što su: Nick Bollettieri, Pato Apey (trener Gabriele Sabatini), Stefana Ortege - tokom 6 meseci provedenih na Sanches Casal akademiji sa Anđelom Novčić, Pato Alvarez, Richard Shomborn (ITF seminar 1997), od Dragana Ćirića-Šekija tokom studija u Novom Sadu, od Carlosa Rodrigueza (trenera Justine Henin) tokom boravka u Pekingu, drage gospođe Zage tokom zajednickih avantura po USA i na kraju 2009-2011 radeći zajedno sa Alex Zocoli-em u Rimu u Sat Agnese–Bollettieri akademiji gde je bio 1. trener za ITF i ATP igrače.
2011 je otvoren i TK Haron-Beograd koji radi na lokaciji Beograd, Zvečanska 16 (autokomanda) gde je Ivan sada šef stručnog štaba.
Neki od igrača sa kojima je Ivan Petković radio od 1995 godine do danas:
Cristian i Oscar Rodrigez (obojica top 500 ATP)
Alesia Papallardo (top 16 under 16 ITA)
Anđela Novčić (2001-2009), osvojila ekipno prvenstvo države sa ekipom Crvene Zvezde do 14 i ekipom Partizana do 16 god.
Ivana Jorović, od njene 8-10 god. tokom kog perioda je osvojila turnir u Banjaluci (taj turnir je naredne godine osvojila jos jedna Ivanova igračica Andrea Simeunović), a kasnije prvenstva države do 12, 14, 16 i 18 godina.
Natalija Kostić, tokom tri odlaska u USA kao i tokom njenog boravka u Italiji, inače prvak države do 14 i 16 godina.
Miomir Kecmanović, koji je u tom periodu postao zimski i letnji prvak države do 14 godina. Kao klinac, voleo sam da treniram I idem na turnire sa Ivanom. Mnogo me je toga naucio o tenisu, bez nervoze I velike drame. Uvek je bio pun podrske, radilo se ali je bilo i zezanja I zabave. Dve lekcije su mi bile posebno znacajne. Prva, da moras da se suocis sa svojim strahovima ako hoces da napredujes. Nisam voleo da igram sa jednim igracem koji nije bio dobro rangiran ali je bio nezgodan igrac I mangup I gubitak od njega bi bila sramota za mene. Ivan je to shvatio I neprestano mi ga je dovodio. Prvi put sam bio nervozan I doslo mi je da placem. Kako smo dalje igrali sve mi je bilo lakse I posle sam ga pobedjivao bez problema. Tako me je pripremao za turnire sa starijim mangupima. Druga, naucio me je razlici izmedju "udaraca" I "igraca". Nije dovoljno da dobro udaras lopticu, vec treba da imas plan u glavi I da igrom nadmudris protivnika. I na kraju, znacilo mi je I opustanje nakon svakog turnira, kada bi Ivan osmislio neki izlet I zabavu. I dan danas volim da svratim I treniram kod njega.
Katarina Adamović, od njene 11-14 godine koja je kasnije osvojila seniorsko prvenstvo države.
Stefan Milenković, tada aktuelni prvak do 18 godina i Jovana Jakšić, tokom njihovih dolazaka u Rim 2010 godine.
Obrad Markovski, državni prvak Makedonije do 14 godina za 2013
Olga Danilović, 11-15 god., šampionka 4 TE 12 turnira, osvajač TE14 Crvena Zvezda i državni prvak do 14 godina i osvajač više TE turnira do 16 godina. Intervju sa Olgom pogledajte
Pantović Iva koja je završila 2013 godinu kao 1. na listi TSS za devojčice do 12 godina.
Francesca Curmi 2013. god. (10-to mesto na race to masters tennis europe do 14 godina).
Francesca Curmi born 2002 from Malta (today ranked 305 ITF Juniors) attended Tennis Club Haron for nearly 3 years from the tender age of 12 to late 14. During the period she was trained under the head coach and owner Mr. Ivan Pekovic. Ivan's eye for detail not only enabled Francesca to have polished ground strokes but also thought Francesca how to become an aggressive tennis player. I myself, as a parent have cherished and still cherish both the advice and encouragement Ivan has and still gives me throughout this journey.
Tennis is a very hard sport, with many varied success and unsuccessful routes; so, to have genuine expertise along the way is truly appreciated.
During her stay at Haron, Francesca played various Tennis Europe and local tournaments, Francesca won many tournaments and even was selected to take part in under 14 TE Masters.Ivan knows the tennis journey and what it takes to become a professional tennis player and has always believed in Francesca and it's what kept us going when times got tough, every player goes through tough times, after all it's a long journey so all sort of things happen along the way both bad and good.
I strongly recommend Tennis Club Haron, it's not only very professional and friendly; but even better its very cost effective when one compares its cost to other European destinations that offer such a service. I love boutique, its small, its personal, it comes with outsourced physical, mental and physiotherapy experts. One of its more important attributes is that it also comes with the strong character of the Serbian people that has no doubt helped Francesca become the strong tennis player she is today.
Michael Curmi
Francesca Father 22 Nov 2017
Luka Pavlović 2014. god. (ove godine uzeo prvi ATP bod u svojoj 16-toj godini) Trenirao sam kod Ivana Petkovica od mojih 15 do 18 godina i uzeo svoj prvi ATP bod sa 16 godina. Ivan je odlican trener a pre svega dobar covek. Sa zadovoljstvom sam trenirao svaki dan i mnogo toga me je naucio na terenu ali i van njega. Mnogo smo radili na moj forhand i servis koji sam dobro popravio. Dugim razgovorima mi je mnogo pomogao na psyhickom stanju jer sam bio nervozan. U dobrim i teskim trenucima umeo je da me bodri na najbolji nacin. U klubu Haron san proveo jedne od svojih najboljih momenata, radi se mnogo i cvrsto ali ambient u klubu vam daje krila za napredovanje.
Edit Cosmo I was practicing with the Haron Tennis academy during three days in May. Haron Tennis Academy is a really serious tennis academy, thinking about all different aspects of the players development. I will for sure come back.
Tokom USA turneje radio sa još par prvaka države:
Luka Ilić
Marina Kacar
Milica Hadžitanović
Vladica Babić (prvakinja Crne Gore)
Saška Gavrilovska višestruka prvakinja Srbije u svim kategorijama
Intervju sa trenerom Ivanom Petkovićem pročitajte
Ivan Petkovic was born in 1975. is tennis coach since 1995, and has degree of high level tennis coach from University of sports science in Novi Sad. He is owner of tennis club Haron in Belgrade ,Serbia and founder of prestige tournament for young and talented players "Tennis hopes" held in Serbia for last 8 years.He has organized and led groups of tennis players to USA tour (Eddie Herr,American Cup and Orange Bowl tournaments) every year since 2006.
Ivan is a member of expert comity of Belgrade tennis association,and has big experience from world biggest tournaments from Tennis Europe level all around of Europe to Roland Garros.
Before opening of Haron tennis club which today gather more than 50 talented juniors, he was 1st coach at Sant Agnese tennis club in Roma, Italy
He had a big role in developing some of the world best Serbian junior players and some of them are:
Andjela Novcic, national team champion as part of TK Partizan team under 16, and under 14 with TK Crvena Zvezda
Miomir Kecmanovic 2015 Orange Bowl champion (coached from age 11- 13) As a small boy, I enjoyed training tennis with Ivan, as well as attending tournaments. He taught me a lot about tennis, in his calm manner, making no fuss about it. He has always been very supportive; we worked hard, but also had a lot of fun.? He taught me two very important lessons. First, you have to face all your fears if you want to excell: I didn't like to play with a particular boy who was a tricky player and a nasty fellow, at the same time not very well ranked; to lose from him seemed extremely embarrassing and discouraging. Ivan realized that and kept bringing us together to play. I was very upset at the begining and I wanted to cry every time. As we went on playing together, it was getting easier,and as a result I started winning smoothly. Second, he taught me to make difference between a shot and a player. He used to say that it wasn't enough to hit the ball properly, but also to have a plan and to win by playing wisely. Last but not the least, Ivan organised relaxing trips and entertainment for us after tornaments, which used mean a lot to me. Even today I like to pop in to see how the things are and train with Ivan.
Olga Danilovic (2015 Tarbes finalist) coached from age 11-15
On international level:
Cristian Rodriguez top 500ATP
Alesia Papalardo top 16 girls in Italy under 16
Francesca Curmi currently top 100 TE under 14 Francesca Curmi born 2002 from Malta (today ranked 305 ITF Juniors) attended Tennis Club Haron for nearly 3 years from the tender age of 12 to late 14. During the period she was trained under the head coach and owner Mr. Ivan Pekovic. Ivan's eye for detail not only enabled Francesca to have polished ground strokes but also thought Francesca how to become an aggressive tennis player. I myself, as a parent have cherished and still cherish both the advice and encouragement Ivan has and still gives me throughout this journey. Tennis is a very hard sport, with many varied success and unsuccessful routes; so, to have genuine expertise along the way is truly appreciated.
During her stay at Haron, Francesca played various Tennis Europe and local tournaments, Francesca won many tournaments and even was selected to take part in under 14 TE Masters.
Ivan knows the tennis journey and what it takes to become a professional tennis player and has always believed in Francesca and it's what kept us going when times got tough, every player goes through tough times, after all it's a long journey so all sort of things happen along the way both bad and good.
I strongly recommend Tennis Club Haron, it's not only very professional and friendly; but even better its very cost effective when one compares its cost to other European destinations that offer such a service. I love boutique, its small, its personal, it comes with outsourced physical, mental and physiotherapy experts. One of its more important attributes is that it also comes with the strong character of the Serbian people that has no doubt helped Francesca become the strong tennis player she is today.