Teniski klub Haron
The 15th “TENNIS TALENTS” tournament, part of the Champions Bowl by Wilson series, will be held at TK Haron from June 29 – July 13, 2022. It will be amazing kid's tennis festival - last year 250 matches were played during 10 tournament days, and this year organizers plan to break that record and give all participants an unforgettable experience!
The name of the tournament is Trophy of City of Belgrade. Children will compete in U9, U10, U11, U13 and U15 categories. It is elective tournament for Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sport prizes will be provided by Wilson. Winners will get Bidi Badu and Polyfibre contracts.
Finalists in all categories will be entitled to participate in the world finals of the Champions Bowl series. For all players at U11, U13 and U15 tournaments, organizers will add points for UTR ranking.
Sport prizes from our sponsors, and for winners TK Haron will provide and 30 % discount for Bidi Badu kamp Zlatibor 2022.
The maximum number of participants in the draw in all categories (except U10) is up to 32, and the "No ad" rule applies to all matches.
Winners of U9 tournament will be entitled to represent our region on Smrikva Bowl tournament in 2023.
Green ball, green level rules as at other tournaments which organizes Serbian Tennis Federation.
Best player from Serbia gets the chance to plaz for team Serbia at Tennis Europe U12 tournament Lampo Trophy in Italy – invitational tournament for national teams U12. Lampo Trophy 2017.
Winner qualify for the Lemon Bowl, prestigious international tournament which will be played at the beginning of 2023 in Rome.
Pobednici dobijaju i sportske nagrade, 30% popusta na Bidi Badu kamp Zlatibor 2022, kao i
bodove za UTR rang-listu.
Belgrade, Serbia
TK Haron - www.teniskiklubharon.com
June 29 - July 13, 2021.
Draws are limited to 32 participants (except U10), and application can be made until the brackets are filled. Consolation tournament will be organized in almost all categories, so all the participants are guaranteed to play two matches.
Online, via website
fill in the application form
with enclosed payment receipt or by paying participation fee directly at the club
35 € to account number 265-0000001007482-81
Recepient: Ivan Petković, Beograd
Payment purpose: "Tennis talents" tournament
Matches begin on June 29th, players born in 2013 and younger, green ball, green level rules (which are also applied on Smrikva Bowl tournament). Consolation tournament will also be organized, so all the participants are guaranteed to play two matches.
Deadline for application is June 28th by 18h, after which public draw will be held and timetable will be made.
Matches begin on July 2rd, players born in 2012 and younger, green ball, green level rules as at other tournaments which organizes Serbian Tennis Federation (which are also applied on Smrikva Bowl tournament). Draw is not limited to 32.
Deadline for application is July 1nd by 18h, after which public draw will be held and timetable will be made.
Turnir do 10 godina će se bodovati za rang-listu Teniskog saveza Srbije!
Matches begin on July 6th, players born in 2011 and younger, rules and balls as in U12 TE tournaments.
Matches begin on July 10th, players born in 2009 and younger, standard rules and balls.
Matches begin on July 12th, players born in 2007 and younger, standard rules and balls.
Sport prizes will be provided by Wilson.
Winners will get Bidi Badu and Polyfibre vouchers.
Winners of U9 tournament will be entitled to represent our region on Smrikva Bowl tournament in 2023.
Finalists in all categories will be entitled to participate in the world finals of the Champions Bowl series, sport prizes from our sponsors, and for winners TK Haron will provide 30 % discount for Bidi Badu kamp Zlatibor 2022.
Reports from Teniske Nade played recently:
Find out more on www.champ-bowl.com
The final tournament of the Champions Bowl by Wilson series, which will be played in 32 countries and regions, will be held from September 4 – 11, 2022 in Umag, Croatia.